Tag Archives: Sunny

25 Sep ’14 – Crocus season

At last we have had some sun and the autumn Crocus opened their flowers. They’ve been sitting through a few grey days as unopened buds, so some have had a bit of weather damage but otherwise they look great. It’s hard to know which one to start with because they are all winners. I’ll let the photos speak for themselves.

Crocus mathewii

Crocus mathewii

Crocus cartwrightianus Crocus banaticus

Crocus cartwrightianus and Crocus banaticus

Crocus kotschyanus leucopharynx Crocus medius

Crocus kotschyanus var. leucopharynx and Crocus medius ‘Millesimo’

17 Sep ’14 – More naked ladies

There are a lot of plants  known colloquially as ‘naked ladies’. It seems that almost anything that flowers without its leaves might be called such by gardeners somewhere in the country.

Nerine close

Nerine bowdenii is the easiest and most commonly grown member of the genus.

Nerine path

It will grow pretty much anywhere in the UK, as here in the walled garden at Cambo Gardens, Fife.

Nerine flower

A sunny position that is dry in summer will ensure a good show of flowers.